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Side Dishes, Soups

Tantalizing Taco Soup

While Italian food is the absolute champion of my palate and my stomach, Mexican food is a close runner up too. With a FIESTA of foods such as tacos, tortillas, enchiladas making their way routinely to grace my kitchen table, and though prepared in a variety of ways, this is […]

Desserts, Pies

Easy Banana Cream Cheese Pie

If you are like most shoppers, or even like me, I always have two or three leftover ripe bananas (sometimes more from the bunch) on my kitchen table. Also, I’m not quite sure why this potassium rich fruit don’t disappear off the table almost immediately as they tend to ripen […]


Salmon and Herb Crostini

Salmon is one of my favorite seafood eats, so usually I make a special point of making it at least weekly in order to enjoy not only a variety of tastes and ways it can be prepared but to experience its many health benefits as well, as salmon is rich […]