These Chemicals May Give Women a Jolt Towards Early Menopause?

I could hardly believe it when I hit the BIG “M!” Yep, that’s right I’m speaking of  “Menopause” and at the age of 50 also. Now while some might not consider this an early jolt towards menopause, maybe some facts surrounding a recent study may shock as well as suggest to you the need to make conscious decisions on what we put on our skin and what we take in, in order to stop menopause from speeding up a tad bit earlier. A study of blood and urine samples on 1,400 menopausal women demonstrated that menopause actually began to make its dreaded appearance 2 to 4 years earlier in women who were filled with high levels of  chemicals referred to as endocrine-disrupters, such as “phthalates,” and who knows possibly a few others like this BPA (a carbon-based industrial chemical). Phthalates are plastic chemicals commonly found in conventional products such as soaps, perfumes, lotions, nail polish, etcetera. On a side note, some argue for the purchasing of BPA-free products as a result, while others consider them to be equally as dangerous. Well personally speaking, I would rather take my chances and “B” free of this known BPA toxin as well as a host of others such as these phthalates, at least when conceivably possible.

Exposure to chemicals that are commonly found in household items and personal care products may trigger menopause. A recent study linked 15 chemicals to an earlier start of menopause. They may also have harmful affects on the ovaries.”

Anyway, here is little bit of anatomy and physiology surrounding the endocrine system. The endocrine system is comprised of eight hormone-secreting glands, which are the adrenal gland, pancreas, reproductive glands (ovaries and testes), hypothalamus, parathyroid gland, pineal gland, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland.  A few relatively known factors (e.g. stress, alcohol) act as triggers, adversely affecting one or more of these glands responsible for the special release of hormones unique and relative to their own particular function. However, the long and short of it really boils down to this—ladies. READ THE LABELS. We need to be conscious of what we’re putting on our skin (i.e. makeup, soaps, perfumes), not to mention, what we are putting into our bodies (i.e. conventional and processed foods), as we don’t want anything to interrupt our fountain of youth before its set and appointed time nor undermining our health in the long run. Article sources: “Pesticides, Plastics Chemicals Tied to Earlier Menopause in Women” and “Persistent Organic Pollutants and Early Menopause in US Women”

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