Natural Health

Getting and Keeping Your Gut In Gear

Multitudes suffer from the chronic and annoying condition of getting and keeping their gut (i.e. speaking of the colon here) into gear. How do I know? Well statistically speaking, over 5 million people suffer from this nasty little problem known as constipation or a sluggish bowel (i.e. slow, irregular, or […]

These Chemicals May Give Women a Jolt Towards Early Menopause?

I could hardly believe it when I hit the BIG “M!” Yep, that’s right I’m speaking of  “Menopause” and at the age of 50 also. Now while some might not consider this an early jolt towards menopause, maybe some facts surrounding a recent study may shock as well as suggest […]

Natural Remedies For Heartburn

So you have once again that burning sensation in your chest or upper gut, known as heartburn, after chowing down on spicy food or that cheeseburger at your local greasy spoon. Believe me I know the feeling having suffered with this irritating condition myself for quite a few years. What […]

Choosing Alkalizing Foods Over Food Duds

Alkaline diets  have become fairly popular over the past few years, and for sure they are a great way at achieving the best health possible too. Maintaining neutral alkaline and acidic levels of the blood and body fluids, generally indicate that the body’s PH is well oxygenated, which is absolutely beneficial […]