We all enjoy those hot flapjacks or buttermilk pancakes in the morning. I grew up as a child on the Aunt Jemima brand pancakes and believe me when I say it was an absolute treat to sit at the kitchen table with my siblings devouring these which were also covered with Aunt Jemima’s brand of pancake syrup.
It’s been only recently, long before going keto and sugar free, that I discovered how simple it is to make your own pancake mix and/or batter and where you get to control the added ingredients. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a challenge? I certainly welcome creating and doing the unexpected in my kitchen, especially when it proves to be successful. However, if not, I just get back on the saddle on the horse for another ride. 🙂
While this recipe is not necessarily low calorie nor keto-friendly, because of the use of oat flour though in combination with almond flour, I found that this healthy flour gives pancakes more stability in its texture when compared with using either coconut or almond flour alone or both in combination. However, for those on a strict regimen, using oat fiber instead if available with the almond or even coconut flour can help reduce calorie intake and for maintaining ketosis in this particular recipe.
Also, making your own pancakes can prove to be quite delicious and fun, as you can go beyond your own imagination with flavoring as well as with the toppings (if using any) to either create something quite simple—like these Healthy Oat and Almond Pancakes—or something dressed up to resemble and taste like eye candy. I’ve done both because every now and then it’s nice to step out of the box and be totally creative in your kitchen.

Healthy Oat and Almond Pancakes
A high fiber and super healthy pancake with a great cornbread taste and light texture.
- 3/4 cup Oat Flour (or 1/4 cup oat fiber)
- 1/4 cup Almond Flour (3/4 to 1 cup if using oat fiber)
- 1 tsp Baking Soda
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 1 cup Almond or Coconut Milk
- 1 Large Egg whisked
- 2 tbsp Coconut Oil for frying
In a bowl or large measuring cup, combine flours, baking soda and salt.
Next, add milk, vanilla, and the whisked egg to the flour mix and stir until a relatively smooth batter consistency forms.
Heat up lightly oiled nonstick skillet on medium high.
Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, pour batter into a four-inch round, and fry till pancakes are light and golden brown. Serve with bacon, sausage or fruit.
Recipe Notes
Whenever possible, use organic ingredients.