Tag: appetizer

Rustic Spinach and Cannellini Bean Ring

Here is a healthy and tasty recipe that I recently put together for a lunch date with my sister. Now my sister is not terribly fond of what she refers to as “too much” cream cheese in her foods. Therefore, I always have to be conscious in how I use […]

Tomato Chips: Mediterranean Style

Made these crunchy and tasty Mediterranean Tomato Chips to dip into my Mediterranean Hummus along with a Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich which was today’s dinner theme. Anyway more in subsequent posts on the recipes for my Mediterranean Grilled Chicken Sandwich and my Kalamata Seasoned Hummus drizzled with Greek olive oil. RECIPE […]

Make This At Your Next Party: Spinach Stuffed Grilled Chicken Bites

If you like chicken as much as I do, as well as that green food that pops out of Popeye’s can giving him super human cartoon strength—SPINACH—then you’ll definitely enjoy these Mini Spinach Stuffed Chicken Bites. This simple recipe involves grilling the meat. However, baking the chicken is also fine, […]