Towards the end of this year, I started my health journey to lose weight by changing my dietary habits to cut out the white food crack –known as processed or refined sugar and of course that meant sweets also which are loaded to the hilt with sugar.
So a few adjustments were in order. That meant reading food labels on condiments and a host of other grocery products (i.e. canned and baked goods, packaged bread, cereals and just about anything else you can name) because sugar is known by several other names (e.g. sucralose, dextrose, malt syrup, corn syrup etc.) and not to mention, most foods are laden with a long list of other unhealthy preservatives that are not good for us.
So this meant pretty much as far as my baking delicacies like cakes, breads, and cookies were concerned I would now have to stop using white flour too and replace it with nut flours like almond and coconut as well as a few others that are also low carb and keto friendly.
White flour, pastas and condiments like ketchup, mustard, and even many salad dressings have added sugar or higher amounts that can also cause the blood sugar level to spike which increases food cravings, causes uncontrollable snacking amounting in basically over-eating. So this is where Primal Kitchen comes in where my achieving my goals are concerned.
Let me also make this disclaimer, that I am not an affiliate marketer of theirs and therefore there are no earnings to be made. However, what I am is a subscriber. And what that means for those who may not know–is that I receive products that I selected to pay for on a routine and monthly basis to be delivered to my home. With that being said here is why I’m sold on Primal Kitchen food.
Read more: Primal Kitchen Foods: I’m Sold and Here’s Why?
Primal kitchen condiments are healthy and clean, and there is no added sugar. Most of the products are classified as “unsweetened” but nevertheless are super delicious. I’m sold on buying and stocking up on Primal Kitchen’s wide array of products (i.e. salad dressings, ketchup, barbecue sauces, oils…) in my kitchen pantry for this reason. They are Paleo, Keto, and Vegan friendly. They are wholesome and use only natural, organic ingredients without preservatives or additives like added sugar, and being low carb, keto and sugar-free this works out perfectly for me.