Wait Before You Throw Out Those Used Glass Jars or Bottles

If you’re like me, you have probably thrown out a used jar or bottle or two from prior food purchases you have made at your local supermarket, and quite possibly you may still be doing so? Well, I’m here to tell you to “WAIT—before you throw out those used glass jars or bottles!”

Without knowing it, we have helped our city make money recycling the very things we have purchased and charge us for all over again for, as glass bottles are apart of the price that’s set. So you pay more. However, why not start your own recycling business by taking those absolutely recyclable glass bottles and jars and re-use them in your very own food pantry (cooking and baking goods) and for storage purposes.

See I didn’t realize until just recently, that many of the jars or bottles I have bought containing specific foods are re-usable and that I myself could put them to work again in my own kitchen as well as other parts of my home. Funny I know, huh? However, for those of you who never gave this a single thought, let me help you.

Empty jars are great for re-using to store other or similar bulk food items once they have been properly cleaned, sanitized, and sterilized after its original use. By doing so, you avoid germs and bacteria growth. Also, the way you use each bottle will vary and be unique in its handy-dandy little mission in your kitchen depending on its shape and size.

Below I have listed just a few items where reusing jars or glass bottles for food storage in your pantry, bathroom or for other uses in your homestead might prove to be handy, before you continue to toss them in the city’s weekly recyclable bin. Of course, if you find that a particular bottle serves you absolutely no purpose, than just chuck it—out it goes!

What You Can ‘Recycle’ in Glass Bottles and Jars

    • Seeds and Nuts
    • Jams and Condiments
    • Flour and Cornmeal
    • Sugar and Spices
    • Cereals and Rices
    • Refrigerated goods such as Salad Dressings
    • Liquid Hand Sanitzers
    • Potpourri Plants or Flowers
    • Coins (such as loose or spare change)
    • Etcetera, just use your imagination and simply be creative!

Of course you can, by glass storage bottles in bulk quantity at your supermarket or from places such as Uline.com. But why, when you can just reuse? So decorate , label and give your glass bottles or jars a home purpose. Make them eye-candy. Afterall, you wil be glad you saved your jars as well as your dollars and cents by re-investing into them instead.

BUY NOW-Ball 4-Ounce Quilted Crystal Jelly Jars with Lids and Bands, Set of 12 – 2 Pack (Total 24 Jars)


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