Chili With A Twist
There are a multitude of ways and, yes, countless chili recipes to cook up that are to found in recipe books and right here on the net itself. Therefore, I decided to share my own chili recipe with a “twist” with you, that I recently developed in my test kitchen (a.k.a food laboratory) which was a definite WINNER with my taste testers.
Spanish or Mexican Chili? What Does It Matter?
In this chili recipe, I too like any of chef would do, decided to add my own spin to it. So I asked myself why not incorporate a few ingredients to take us on a trip back to Spain, but still I believe Mexican can likewise be found here.What makes this particular recipe is a little bit more than the normal chili is that other than the Mexican chili spices that are commonly added (cumin and chili powder) is the specialty seasoning spice of Con Azafran (though also a Mexican seasoning, it is commonly used in Spanish cooking too), and combined with the flavorful Spanish olive, this chili is simply deeelicous and full of FLAVOR! Also, I highly recommend adding a splash of red wine too (which I left out simply by mistake, and not by deliberate omission 🙁 ).
Anyway, I guess my chili recipe does enjoin a combination of two fantastic foods: both Spanish and Mexican. So despite the recipe’s reference name of “Spanish Chili”, it’s bound to become a family favorite either way!